The story of eduROV
The eduROV started as an idea which was displayed at the Trondheim Maker Faire in 2014. From there, the association Trondheim Makers took the project further, until it was tested in a school facility at Frøya. The year after, it was used as a project in an engineering class at the Norwegian University og Science and Technology - NTNU. These new ROV's were tested in another pool, and many of them found to be interesting as well as functional.
The current generation (G3) is a result of further development work done in order to reach a fully documented and functioning Open-Source ROV project at a new level of affordability.
You can also read about our project here (in Norwegian): NRKBETA
The first eduROV takes a dive
With what can be described as partial success, the first eduROV generation goes for a dive.
Video by Trondheim Makers
Demo of all seven ROV-concepts
eduROV goes to the University
Some work, some don't. 9 weeks of development brought the groups of Mechanical Engineering students to this point.
This time we really mean it :)
Following the University project, the ROV was redesigned according to the lessons we had learned so far. It seems to work quite well at this point.
eduROV gen3 - development story
eduROV g3 first swim
eduROV first fjord-dive
Release eduROV into the world!
After some rework, tweaking and new development we approach a project state where the eduROV will be ready for use by hobbyists, enthusiasts and schools.
The maiden project will be conducted as a two-week summer school for high school students.
The story goes on!
In the meantime, we continue testing and development of the ROV.
eduROV g3 pool test
eduROV Summer school invitation
Summerschool results
This time the results speak for themselves! NTNU even made a short video about the launch and test-event! :) The video is in Norwegian.
Very happy with the results from having three groups of talented middle-school and high-school children building our ROV, they made it happen! Can you?