Grønn: e3e034
Font (mørkegrå): 1c1c1b
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An open-source ROV project on a budget! Create your own submersible remote controlled vehicle using accessible tools and readily available materials. Go exploring either with your school class, makerspace group, friends or family. A great way to get started with underwater projects, building, electronics and programming.

Using state of the art low-cost electronics solutions and a design that requires a minimum of tools to be built, ensures that help is easy to come by. We have always aimed for creating a low threshold project which can inspire.
The design process has always aimed at creating a kit affordable for both schools and hobbyists. This is not only accessible for the enthusiast.
This project is dedicated to be fully open-source, both hardware and software. This is achieved using open-access software and cloud based design services.
Initial system design sketch
Video material
Video snipets from testing the ROV
eduROV first swim
eduROV first fjord-dive

The eduROV started as a project for Makerfaire Trondheim, it has since then been used as a project task in a University course at NTNU and become a fully open-source project. The journey has just begun!

We wish to provide plans and documentation for a DIY-ROV with a total component cost below ~300€.
Build-able and usable by maker enthusiasts and schools, as well as being affordable.

Beeing an open-source project, we attempt to use technology and tools which are open and free for use to as hich a degree as possible. All the digital tools we use are free to use, most of them are also open-source. The hardware-tools needed are all within the range you would expect to find in a hobbyist toolbox or in a local makerspace.